the offensive box on one corner of his desk and sat for a moment. These damn Double-Sixes! he thought as he slowly, deliberately reached for the switch on his intercom.

"Yes?" crackled the voice of Miss Pennythwaite. The Chief wiped his brow a moment then said, "Miss Pennythwaite-send in-Sultana." And with a strange whining tone, he pouted, "I've been a very naughty boy."



by Virginia

I. WHERE ARE SUSANNA AND SHEILA???? Thats a good ques- tion. As you will have noticed they have been absent from the last several issues. Even tho I have written and called them both they are both so busy that they just haven't gotten around to the call of TVia. I miss them as much as you do and hope each time a magazine is assembled to have a Susanna Says column and a Book Review for you but what I don't get I can't print. So be patient.

II. MATERIAL: Speaking of not printing what I don't get - A lot of you like material other than fiction yet not very many of you send in articles, poems, histories, personal experiences and that sort of thing. Thus I am way out of balance in favor of fiction. I hope I can inspire some of you who have interesting ideas or who have had interesting ex- periences to commit them to paper for the enjoyment of all. If you have developed some tricks of makeup for example or approaches to be used in buying or whatever, there are always those who are in need of such, so send them in and let me decide if they are interesting enough. If you de- cide you'll never write them up.

III. AUTHORSHIP: Some original manuscripts come in without names on them, in other cases the originals have become separated from the galley proofs that are given me by the printer and with which I as- semble the magazine. When this is the case I have no choice but to mark it "Unknown." If you find an article that you wrote marked "Unknown"